23 research outputs found

    The Effect of Sulfamerazine upon Egg Production and Hatchability

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    CentroidNet: A Deep Neural Network for Joint Object Localization and Counting

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    In precision agriculture, counting and precise localization of crops is important for optimizing crop yield. In this paper CentroidNet is introduced which is a Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN) architecture specifically designed for object localization and counting. A field of vectors pointing to the nearest object centroid is trained and combined with a learned segmentation map to produce accurate object centroids by majority voting. This is tested on a crop dataset made using a UAV (drone) and on a cell-nuclei dataset which was provided by a Kaggle challenge. We define the mean Average F1 score (mAF1) for measuring the trade-off between precision and recall. CentroidNet is compared to the state-of-the-art networks YOLOv2 and RetinaNet, which share similar properties. The results show that CentroidNet obtains the best F1 score. We also explicitly show that CentroidNet can seamlessly switch between patches of images and full-resolution images without the need for retraining

    Produção de sentidos acerca da família que convive com o doente mental Producción de sentidos acerca de la familia que convive con el enfermo mental Production of meanings about family members living with mentally-ill patients

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    A assistência às famílias é, hoje, um grande desafio da prática em Saúde Mental, exigindo dos profissionais estudos e aproximação desses atores sociais. Este estudo, norteado por abordagem construcionista social e qualitativa, objetivou conhecer os sentidos dados por profissionais do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) acerca da família que convive com o doente mental. Obtiveram-se os dados por meio de grupo focal, com membros de duas equipes do PSF, em Ilhéus/Bahia. Como resultados, descrevem-se a família e suas inscrições conceituais, assim como os sentidos de: cuidadora; motivadora e sofredora de preconceitos; impotente e carente de recursos; produtora de maus-tratos e desequilibrada. Desses sentidos produzidos, constatou-se que uns servem para reforçar a exclusão do doente mental e de sua família, na comunidade, e outros rompem com esse discurso, podendo favorecer a aproximação entre esses atores e os profissionais, a favor de uma nova prática que melhore as condições de suas vidas.<br>La atención a las familias constituye hoy un gran desafío de la práctica en Salud Mental, exigiendo de los profesionales estudios y aproximación de eses actores sociales. La finalidad de este estudio, orientado por una aproximación construccionista social y cualitativa, fue la de conocer los sentidos dados por profesionales del Programa de Salud de la Familia (PSF) acerca de la familia que convive con el enfermo mental. Obtuvimos los datos mediante la técnica del grupo focal con miembros de dos equipos del PSF en Ilhéus/Bahia, Brasil. Como resultados, describimos a la familia y sus registros conceptuales, así como los sentidos de: cuidadora; motivadora y sufridora de prejuicios; impotente y falta de recursos; productora de maltratos y desequilibrada. De esos sentidos producidos, constatamos que algunos sirven para reforzar la exclusión del enfermo mental y su familia en la comunidad, y que otros rompen con este discurso, lo que puede favorecer la aproximación entre esos actores y los profesionales, a favor de una nueva práctica que mejore las condiciones de sus vidas.<br>Nowadays, family care is a great challenge for Mental Health practice, which requires professionals to study and take a closer look at these social actors. This study, which is guided by a social constructionist and qualitative approach, aimed to get to know the meanings Family Health Program (FHP) professionals attribute to family members living with mentally-ill patients. Data were collected by means of the focus group technique, involving members from two FHP teams in Ilhéus/Bahia, Brazil. As a result, we describe the family members and their conceptual registers, as well as the following meanings: caring, motivating and suffering prejudice; powerless and lacking resources; producing abuse and unbalanced. It was observed that some of these meanings reinforce the community's exclusion of mental patients and their family members, while others oppose this discourse and are thus able to favor a closer approximation between these actors and the professionals, in view of a new practice that improves their living conditions

    Increased Functional Connectivity After Listening to Favored Music in Adults With Alzheimer Dementia

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    BACKGROUND: Personalized music programs have been proposed as an adjunct therapy for patients with Alzheimer disease related dementia, and multicenter trials have now demonstrated improvements in agitation, anxiety, and behavioral symptoms. Underlying neurophysiological mechanisms for these effects remain unclear. METHODS: We examined 17 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease related dementia using functional MRI following a training period in a personalized music listening program. RESULTS: We find that participants listening to preferred music show specific activation of the supplementary motor area, a region that has been associated with memory for familiar music that is typically spared in early Alzheimer disease. We also find widespread increases in functional connectivity in corticocortical and corticocerebellar networks following presentation of preferred musical stimuli, suggesting a transient effect on brain function. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support a mechanism whereby attentional network activation in the brain\u27s salience network may lead to improvements in brain network synchronization